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Showing posts from April, 2019

IOT, the present and Future of New Technologies

I ntroduction t o I OT (Internet of Things) These days, explaining of IoT in one sentence seems nearly impossible. The term IoT is new but its concepts has been around for decades. So, therefore there is no clear boundary what IoT is simply a world where the internet has just became everyone’s first priority, but in real world it is a complex network of embedded device. In short, “IoT is a system of physical devices that can be discovered, monitored controlled or interacted with the other electronic devices which in turn communicate over various networking interfaces and eventually can be connected to the wider internet.” Today our everyday objects could feel the world through sensors for e.g.,- our smart phones, smart watch, smart home appliances etc., each device analyse, store or exchange information in the same way as was described in various science-fiction novels. It’s like a story is becoming a reality. A special thanks to the progress in embedded devices that broug